Thursday, September 23, 2010

So This Farm School Thing...

I can't count how many times over the last few months this scene has played out.

Well Intentioned Friend: So you're going to... Farm School?
Me: Yep, that's right.
WIF: Um.... why? You're leaving behind the city, all your friends, jobs you both like and your apartment to live in a commune, shovel manure, weed fields and live on no income for a year?
Me: We're so excited!
WIF: What exactly is it going to be like?
Me: Uh... don't really know.

I can tell you that when we first stumbled upon the Farm School last summer and started learning about it, we were over the moon anticipating a year there. While we know somethings about it- the prevalence of manure, the fact we're waking up each morning and doing chores before breakfast, the probability that we're going to be dirty and smell like animals for the next 12 months- there's a lot left to be discovered.

We know that (don't worry, Whitney), we will have cell service and internet despite living in the woods. We also know that we get some weekends off and most nights. We can have visitors! And we won't even make you do the really horrible chores! We won't get to have our cats there but luckily Rebecca and Anthony have been gracious in offering them a home. I'm pretty sure Rebecca's going to love them so much that Hobbes and Pippin won't want to come back after a year with her.

We don't really know what each day will look like (although I've heard that chainsaw lessons are week one) or how much we'll like it (we're hoping the answer is TONS) or what we'll do afterwards. But we're really excited to get on with the next phase of our lives even if that means leaving a lot of great friends who we'll miss a lot.

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