Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jersey: The Dramatic Cow

I apologize for the poor quality of this picture, but it's worth pointing out that Pride, our dairy cow was thrashing around so much it was impossible to get a good shot. Our vet, Dr. Ledeoux, was showing us how to give an IV which is an important skill for a farmer when the vet is either too far away or unavailable. We tied Pride's halter to a post and he put a small needle in her jugular. All hell broke loose.

I admit that getting shots is not the greatest thing in the world. However, it's not as bad (I imagine) as being eaten alive by rampaging tigers, which is how Pride was acting. She immediately dropped to her knees and, hanging by her halter, began to flail around as if she was dying.

Dr. Ledeoux assured us that this was completely normal behavior for a Jersey and something about their breeding causes them to put on a show like this.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd rather subdue a raging dairy cow than relearn the Rule Against Perpetuities, but at least it's warm in here.
