Sunday, March 20, 2011


Time to check on our hives! Bee keeping is something I'm really interested in. Not so interested in getting stung, but I'll do a lot for a constant supply of honey.

Jen of Crimson and Clover Farm came by to teach us all about our bees. We started inside learning about their life cycles and common problems we face with them. Then we headed out to one of the back fields to check them out.

When we got here in the fall they were already sealing their hives up for winter so we didn't want to disturb them. Even now we didn't open any of the active hives because it would have mean causing them extra work to weatherproof it again for these late spring days. It was nice to see some of them flying around all ready!

Sadly, some of them didn't make it over the winter. Colony collapse is very common and a reality of keeping bees. Mites are a huge problem and something to be very careful about.

I'm sure there will be more bee info coming soon!

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