Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Harvest Celebration

On Saturday we celebrated the end of the harvest season. We invited everyone who works on the ridge top with us as well as some friends and family. Most everything was cooked in our wood fired bread oven. We also ate some delicious road kill. A few weeks ago, a deer was hit by a car and lay dying in our swiss chard patch. One of our neighbors came out to dispatch it, rather than let it linger in it's state. We had it butchered and served the back strap, or tenderloin with dinner. So. Delicious. We don't eat much meat here so a piece of juicy deer like that hit the spot (this came after the discussion Emily, Justin and I had if it was ethically right to eat animals).

Andrew supplied a wild turkey that had also been hit by a car and he killed and brought back to the farm. He brined and roasted it. Better than any turkey I've had to date, so I'll have to see how Thanksgiving matches up.

Theo made mozzarella, Sophia made feta, Justin made pizza dough, Emily made brownies, Emma made scalloped potatoes and Bradley brought hard cider (I did chores and lots of dishes).

It was so nice to have everyone sitting together down to dinner, plus children running around the house and delicious food from the farm.

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